Thursday, July 7, 2016

New York City.

Looking through old photos and thought that I should do small post about NYC. When I first arrived to America we had an orientation in NY which included a tour in NYC. It was super quick so we didn't have much time to really look around and enjoy, It was mostly just running through places. 
I was really homesick ( already?! I had been in US for 3 days) It's just so different and I have always been a home person but you know, you have to get free from your fears. 
At first it didn't seem something I like.. Grown up living out of city, in nature and I lovee nature. So to me NYC seemed just buildings and nothing like WOW I wanna live here. 
If we look on the bright side, then definitely the city view at night is amazing! I'm happy I saw the city at night time. Soo many lights, incredible what people can accomplish together! 
 I hope you enjoy! 
( P.s- on the 3. photo there is a half bald man, I have no idea where or how he just randomly appeared but he made really good photobomb picture :D. )  
