Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Road trip to Niagara Falls with Jenny IV.

MAY 2016.

Our last stop on Friday was Eternal Flame Falls. We went on a month the falls didn't have much water, but it was still a cool hike. Nature is incredibly breathtaking. At this point we were getting tired and goofy. The flame was tiny but impressive. Just burns there, right next to its biggest enemy. Nature, keep on doing you.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Road trip to Niagara Falls with Jenny III.

MAY 2016.

 On Friday we continued our adventures to Watkins Glen State Park. This park was huge, filled with many different hiking trails. Obviously we couldn't go through them all, so we picked few. This park was definitely filled with many other tourists then the other two places, maybe because the other two parks we were there very early and when we got to this park it was past noon. But yet again beautiful nature and creeks running through the park.



Monday, June 8, 2020

Road trip to Niagara Falls with Jenny II.


Our second stop on Friday was Taughannock Falls. We didn't do the full hike, all the way down because we didn't have much time and we had other waterfalls planned as well for that day. But again beautiful. We did some posing too, haha.

It was sunny and the pictures got kinda over exposed, but what I learned is that it is better to take darker photos and later on edit them lighter. It is much much harder to go from very overly exposed photos to darker. In my opinion. 


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Road trip to Niagara Falls with Jenny I.

May 2016.

 Back in 2016 me and Jenny went on a road trip from Maryland to Toronto and back to Maryland. Jenny if you are reading this, thanks for inviting me onto this great trip! We started driving on Thursday night after work and we got back on Sunday night (if I remember correctly). On the way we explored many waterfalls including our main goal Niagara Falls. I wish I had done this blog right after our adventures so I would remember everything very clearly and It is so cool to look back on the memories that we have created. Therefore, better late than never.

 As I was looking through these pictures I got this crazy euphoria to edit and do blog again. I remember when I was younger I was very worried on making mistakes or if things weren't perfect I couldn't post anything because of the fear or having typos or I might seem too this or too that. I am so thankful I can now be more relaxed on this part. Nobody is perfect and I like that freedom that comes with that.

 What I remember from Thursday night. We drove a long way to a very very cheap Airbnb. I think it was 10$ a night? It was something very cheap. When we arrived, I am not going to lie, it was sketchy but we did survive, haha. There was this big room, that was supposed to be our room. It was filled with many random things, here and there, nothing was organised. There was a couch and a mattress, I am not sure if we even had blankets or pillows, haha. But we were together in this and everything went well.

 We had an early start on Friday morning. First waterfall we went to see was in Buttermilk Falls state park. We hiked along the park, it was warm sunny day with beautiful nature and with a great company.
