Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Starting again.

It all started with my one dear friend, who wrote to me on a random day that she misses my blog. I want to thank you! Thank you for planting a seed into my mind. If my blog can make one person happy that's enough for me to keep this page up!
After deleting my first blog I forgot how it felt like to do blog and edit pictures. So I took myself together and started doing pictures again. Felt like a noob at first, had no idea how to use my camera. But oh well, here I am, excited and learning! Trying to add at least once in a week some new stuff.
I don't know yet what title I want to put on my blog, but I'm going to figure it out.
I'm doing this blog for myself, if I like what I'm doing and when others start to like it too, that's great! What would be the point of doing this blog if I wouldn't like it?  
I'm going to start posting here a lot of pictures and different ways of editing, some stories about what I'm doing and I hope you guys will enjoy this journey with me! 
Something from Estonia:


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