Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Washington D.C.

I'm not sure when these photos are taken. Maybe the end of 2015 not sure. 
What I remember from that day? I remember I was searching for parking lot and I was super nervous because the traffic in DC is bad and heavy and I went wrong way so I just drove. When I finally some how got to parking lot area and it was free parking so I was super happy and proud! You know the feeling when you go somewhere new and you feel like you have accomplished something. Even if its something small. Kinda feels like you have unlocked a new level of a new favorite game and you are so excited and you want to keep on going to open more levels.  (At least that's how I feel, haha, trying my best here)
Started out with Thomas Jefferson Memorial and walked the full loop of monuments. Then Washington Monument, World War II Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial and then all the way back to the parking lot that is close to Jefferson Memorial.
It was definitely worth the walk. It was long but a good exercise! 
Hope you enjoy!   

Washington Monument-
Jefferson Memorial-


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Mount Washington The Grand View.

Emerald View Park in Pittsburgh.

I took the kids to Northern Cambria for the weekend. And I had my one and a half days off so I decided to go to Pittsburgh. I looked up some places to visit. I saw so many interesting places but I chose The Grand View.
In Northern Cambria there live Marilyn and Jeff, they are my host kids grandparents. Their home is lovely and location is just so calming and out of the big traffic. They always welcome me with warm and big hugs, I don't even know how to be more grateful for taking me as part of their family! It's true, what you give you get. Always chose to see good and do good!

So driving to Pittsburgh took me..hmm.. hour and a half I would say. The streets in Pittsburgh are more narrow and kinda hilly and lot of cars are parked on the street AND a lot of stop signs haha. Getting to Emerald View was kinda tricky, so I was heading on the right direction but turned too early on a wrong street so I saw a lady walking over the street and I rolled my window down and asked her where is it exactly. She was like yeah you are the third person to ask me this today on my walk haha. She was nice and I was like yeah the GPS doesn't take you right there haha.

When I finally got there I was really amazed. Great idea to build a view like this. You can just go there to walk, run, walk your dog or just sit and enjoy the view. While I was walking there I smelled something weird and realized it was a burning trashcan. So a bit later there came a firetruck and put the fire out, but when I was walking back to my car it was burning again haha.

My one friend said to me that I have too much black and white photos on my blog. So it maid me think and worry a bit and then I tried to edit more colorful pictures. You know what, when I do things, I need to feel. So I didn't feel it and I still did the way I wanted and it felt right. After that I just gave in, it really doesn't matter what others say. If it feel right for me then I just follow my flow and there's gonna be people who will not like it but there is chance that they will. Trust your own vibe.

I just like B&W photos. I think it brings out the parts of the picture that with colors gets lost. Like shapes, lines, shades. And it makes it look more like art. Now days everyone can look up places on internet and go where ever and they know what to expect. It's kinda sad, it takes away the feeling of a bit of fear of unknown and excitement. In another hand if the place is crap you will not get disappointed.
Hope you enjoy!


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Virgin Gorda.

Virgin Gorda is the third-largest and second most populous of British Virgin Islands.
We went there in January, so it was a nice escape from the winter cold.
The first week we stayed in a house that was on a beach. Incredible! While standing on the beach.. No noises of city life only sound of waves, hot sun is touching your skin, toes are happy to be out of your shoes, eyes see the beauty of another land and how your soul experiences something so simple but yet so beautiful..

My host mom (Shannon) took me to Baths. IT WAS SO COOL! Massive house-sized granite boulders laying on top of each other-against each other. It's literally like a labyrinth! We were trying to go trough small loupes, that were between two rock. BUT! There was water underneath us so while you are walking you will walk in the water and sand. Not best explanation .. but ahh and Shannon is really adventurous so it was so fun with her to be not as usual tourists!
Unfortunately.. I don't have any pictures because I didn't want(there is a lot of things) - lose my phone or camera or get it all wet so.. I'm bit sad but it's okay. 

Originally we planed on staying for a week and then flying back home. But because of the blizzard that was happening on the east-coast, our flights were delayed. 
After the first week we went back to Saint Thomas and we stayed there for another 4 days.. Not sure anymore haha, but I think it was 4 days. St. Thomas is one of the Island of US.Virgin Islands.

I'm forever grateful for my host family for inviting me with them to this amazing place. It truly was amazing experience!
Hope you enjoy! 
